Friday, July 2, 2010

A Problem? It Costs Money

The list of our monthly budget items from the least, Netflix, to the greatest, the home mortgage or the grocery bill is a long list indeed. For the car, alone, the sub-list is: 1. car payment 2. car insurance 3. fuel 4. service and maintenance 5. registration fees 6. property tax. Numbers one and three come up every month.  A simple calculation renders the total cost per mile, on average. The cost can be shown in terms of time, the cost per month. With the passing of time costs arise. You eat breakfast and in while you are hungry again. Time passes and it costs calories - there is no getting around that. The idea is that life is to be lived in the faith that the earth does indeed yield her increase. It does not pay a thing to live life in fear of all the realities of life and death. Better to live in faith for love's sake that as we sow good faith we shall reap the good fruit of good faith.
Thinking about the repairs and improvements so desperately wanting my faith was a little withered. I can't do a thing without a budget. Where to begin? Creation of a budget requires a clear-cut plan with accurate line item costs. There was nothing left for me to do but to sit down and work up a cost estimate. I figured up the fixes and the line items tallied to $1360. So, I added another $140 for unforeseen circumstances which brought it up to an even $1500. My heart wanted to sink, but I just kept working at the problem.

I produced this document:

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