Friday, September 25, 2009

What I learned at the library yesterday

We went to the library yesterday. I took some time to investigate real estate improvement. My basic idea of the planning phase was confirmed. I need to come up with three different plans. Plan "A" will cover everything we can dream of doing. Plan "B" will be mid way between plan "A" and plan "C" in scope. Plan "C" will be the economy plan, or the bare minimum. Each plan must be detailed and clear. Then, I have the plans appraised for the value each would add to the property. At the same time a construction estimate is prepared for each plan. The appraisals and the construction estimates must be realistic and unflinching. Our next move will be based on those estimates. In this way I begin to put our dreams to paper. This begins to move the idea of adding value to this property through definite improvements from being a wish to being an intense desire. I quote Napoleon Hill from his book, The Magic Ladder to Success: "It has been said, and not without reason, that one may have anything one wants, within reasonable limitations, providing one wants it badly enough. Anyone who is capable of stimulating his or her mind to an intense state of desire is also capable of more than average acheivement in the pursuit of that desire. It must be remembered that wishing for a thing is not the same as desiring it. A wish is merely a passive form of desire. Only out of intense desire will impelling forces of action grow, driving one to build plans and put those plans to work. Most people never advance beyond the "wishing" stage."

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