The whole slate of improvements would be accomplished much more economically and efficiently if we built the garage apartment first and moved in there during the rest of the work. But if our faith was only to carry us only as far as one part of the project that would definitely mean doing the structural repairs first. But bearing in mind the level headed thinking of the guy that renovates income spaces on HGTV, we would be better off building the income space and the garage which we have been told will add much value, then attack the structural problems.
I could do much of the work provided I had clear architectural plans. I think we should have the garage built with me doing the sheetrock and painting work. Then contract a firm that specializes in the structural installations that we need. In the mean time I can do the other tear out and framing. I would get bids for the electrical, plumbing and ventilation work. But acting as the general contractor, I could would be able to complete much more of the work if we were living in the apartment out back.
Architect, engineer fees……………………………….........
Construction of the garage apartment………………………
Permits, rubbish disposal……………………………….......
Structural engineering………………………………............
Electrical installation……………………………….............
Plumbing installation……………………………….............
Equipment rental………………………………...................